Welcome Association Guidelines Working Group Information
Association Guidelines
- The purpose of the King’s Mile Association is to represent the interests of the traders, who are it’s members, in the Business Improvement District (BID), Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council, local MPs and the local media. To define the common interests of its members and promote those interests through e.g. advertising, improvements and eventsTo collect money and built up funds to support the maintenance and promotion of the King’s MileTo organise collective advertising, signposting, website, events for its members
Association rules:
Members can be traders from – Sun Street, Guildhall Street, Orange Street, Palace Street, The Borough and Northgate.
All members will contribute a minimum of £6 per month, this can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually by standing order.
Charity shops are exempt from subscriptions.
Organisation of the King’s Mile Association
A working group is formed to organise the work of the association by agreement or vote .
The working group should include the chair, secretary and treasurer and a representative from each area
- Sun Street. Guildhall Street, Orange Street and Palace Street to St Alphege Lane
- Palace Street from The Bell & Crown and The Borough
- Northgate
The working group will meet each month, any member can attend and add to the agenda of a working group meeting.
Communication between members and the working group will be via email wherever possible.
Complaints about the work of the Association should be communicated in short, giving suggestions about what would be a better alternative and what should be done to achieve that.
General meetings will be held quarterly.
A majority must be more than half of the votes, 2/3 of votes on major decisions.
Members who cannot attend the meeting may vote via email or letter.
Formal Structures once the King’s Mile Traders Group is established:
Once the Association has at least 30 paying members it must be formalised with AGMs, and appointed officers. Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Area Representatives and Events Co-ordinator.
For this purpose a set of additional regulations must be developed. The basis of these rules are as follows:
Formal structures of chair, secretary and treasurer and area representatives will be introduced.
The association will hold four General Meetings each year, January will be the AGM, then March, June, September.
The AGM will include a report from the Chair, presentation of accounts and the election of officers and working group.
Five members shall form a quorum for General Meetings, and in the case of equal voting the chairman shall have a casting vote.
Voting shall be on the basis of one business one vote. Where an extraordinary meeting is called every reasonable effort will be made by the committee to contact every member of the King’s Mile Association via email.
Traders not represented at a meeting can make their vote via email or letter.
Financial Arrangements
The King’s Mile Association shall open a bank account and all monies, be they grants or donations from traders received from any source by the secretary, treasurer or chairman on behalf of the Trust shall be paid into such account. The Trust’s bank account will be controlled by the treasurer, and the treasurer, chairman, secretary and one other nominated committee member have the authorisation to sign cheques, two signatures being needed for any one transaction. All income and expenditure will be recorded and available for inspection for any member at any time. The treasurer will prepare annual accounts and a suitably qualified external person will audit the accounts once a year
Dissolution of the Kings Mile Traders Group – The group may be dissolved, or these rules may be amended by a two thirds majority at a general meeting. The objects for which the meeting are called shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting. All surplus funds must be divided between the membership and returned equally.
Review of the Guidelines of the Kings Mile Association – The constitution will be reviewed on an annual basis at the AGM.